Sharks don't attack; people do.
Sharks are a keystone species, keeping the ocean’s delicate ecosystem in balance, so for 2019’s Shark Week, Lush launched a campaign to encourage people to take action and protect sharks from the real predators - humans.
A spin on the traditional depiction of a shark, Lush’s “Shark Attack” campaign shared truths about the shark finning industry and its devastating impact on our oceans using sticker-bomb packs, a digital landing page with campaign information and industry insights, a digital Phone-2-Action petition, and awareness activations that inspired people to protect sharks and save our oceans.
The art direction was heavily influenced by traditional warning signage found on beaches, to signify the high-level importance of shark's role within ocean health.
Animations were created by The Sequence Group, a visual effects studio in Vancouver, Canada, to educate audiences on shark brutality, as well as expose truths on how shark ingredients like squalene are infiltrating the cosmetics industry.
These assets were shared across various channels such as retail, digital, social, and PR, helping our audience understand the importance of sharks to our ocean's ecosystem through a powerful, integrated campaign.
Various assets were created to support the in-store experience, such as the window display, campaign table signage and A-Frame boards.


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